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Image by Wes Hicks

Volunteers are essential to our ministry!  There are several different ways that men and women can use their gifts and talents at Choices Pregnancy Services. 


Invest: A financial investment at any level makes a significant impact for our ministry. A $30 donation can provide a free pregnancy test, encouragement, support, and prayer to women and men in need. Imagine the impact at $100, $200 or even more.


Donate a one-time gift or become a Friend for Life by becoming a monthly donor. Even $1 a day makes a difference in our ministry! Monthly support helps with our planning and yearly budgeting.  It’s very simple to set up and we give you everything you need to get started. Friends for Life donors receive regular ministry updates and information as well as invitations to special events that promote life. 


Check out our donate page  to see the many different ways that you can invest in our ministry here at Choices!   


Your financial investment will help save lives and meet the spiritual, emotional and material needs of those we serve.


Volunteer Opportunities

Make a difference on an ongoing basis in the lives of moms, dads, and families

Provide needed Items for women and babies

There are many ways that you can provide for the clients we serve at Choices.


Help women facing an unplanned pregnancy and struggling with making a decision feel loved and cared for by providing small toiletry items like nail polish, body wash, lip gloss etc.  Gift cards to Starbucks are also appreciated to give women the opportunity to relax, enjoy a cup of coffee and consider what she has seen, heard and learned during her appointment.  Gift cards and toiletry items are accepted year round and make a great group project or individual gift.


Help celebrate a mom’s decision for life! Donate new and like-new baby items to Choices’ Baby Boutique. Clients select items from the boutique with credits they earn while attending our Parenting University classes. Your gifts will truly bless those in need. In addition to individual donations, we also encourage groups to host a baby shower or to collect needed items within their small group that can be donated to the boutique.


Donations of diapers and wipes are also accepted and appreciated at our clinics.  They allow us to help out with needs of clients who have other small children or for those who participate in our Diapers for a Year program.


Every once and while, we have a specific need for a larger item.  These are usually listed as needed on our Facebook page or can be found on our wish list page.


Client Advocates

Women and men who work directly with our clients to help them along the path of choosing life.  They mentor, educate, encourage, and most importantly help each client see the need for Jesus Christ in their life. Client advocates also work with Choices to help connect clients with the local church(es) as indicated.  Training is provided.


Development Professionals

Grant writing, advertising, as well as marketing specialists are needed to help fund and creatively promote the clinics. 


Clerical, Office and Technical support

Assistance with bulk mail projects, entering data on computers, reception duties, etc. are requested. IT-inclined individuals and those skilled with web design are also needed.


Abstinence Education Speakers

Educating students in high schools, middle schools, and youth organizations through our REAL CHOICES program. Training will be provided. (For part-time paid positions, contact


Skilled laborers

Plumber, maintenance, housekeeper, window washer, landscaper, snow remover, etc.



Hosting small groups of interested people who would like to learn more about the mission of Choices, preparing meals for meetings at the clinics, etc.


Prayer Partner

Willing to pray as requests are sent via email. 


Become an Ambassador for Life

  • In your church – Distributing information to your church regarding upcoming events at Choices.

  • In your home – Opening your home and serving light refreshments while a staff member shares the ministry vision of Choices with others.

  • On your campus – Helping us get the word out to fellow students about the services provided by Choices.

  • Become a Prayer Partner – Committing to intercessory prayer; receiving “knee mails” for special requests and commit to praying for staff and volunteers.

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Email Keri at to be added to our prayer list or for more information on becoming an Ambassador for Life.


Click below to BE INVOLVED in any of the above ways

Choices Pregnancy Services

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Choices Pregnancy Services is a 501-c3 faith-based non-profit in the state of Pennsylvania. We exist to help women and families experiencing an unplanned pregnancy by providing factual, life-affirming information about all their options in a loving environment.  We do not promote, provide, or refer for abortion services.


All our services are confidential and are provided at no cost to our clients. We can do this because of the support of individuals, churches, and businesses in our community.  Contact us to learn more.


2024 Choices Pregnancy Services. All rights reserved.

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